Jun 072011

We had 16 members attend the May meeting. We met at the usual 6:30pm meeting time. Sam Williams conducted the meeting and demonstrated the new Unity user interface for Ubuntu 11.04. We had a general walk through of the basic components of the environment. During the second half of the meeting Sam explained some of the lesser known methods for altering and configuring Unity’s behavior. With a name like Unity there is a bit of confusion and lack of general acceptance on the part of the Linux community. The comments from the group were no different. There were some members that might consider using the new environment, but the majority said they had rather wait and see if Canonical might change its mind on some of the Unity design decisions or on the possible inclusion of the older style Gnome UI. All in all, its a pretty controversial  piece of code. In general, the presentations went well and there was lots of questions and user-feedback!

 Posted by at 12:18 am