March RRLug Meeting Agenda: 03/14/13

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Mar 132013


Just a reminder to everyone that we will have our March  LUG meeting  at 6:30pm on Thursday, March 14th.

  •  Raspberry Pi / Pi Cobbler – Peter Hedlund is going to demonstrate some of the things that can be done using the Pi Cobbler (GPIO breakout board) and the Raspberry Pi. Peter saved this all for the march meeting. Hope you all enjoy.
  • Enlightenment Desktop – Sam Williams continues  his demonstration of Enlightenment 17 release ZERO. In January  you could see  the desktop could easily be used on lower resource hardware, particularly on a Raspberry Pi. This month we discussed a little more areas of configuration.

Hope to see you all there!

 Posted by at 6:19 pm

February RRLug Meeting Minutes: 02/14/13

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Mar 132013

We had 8 people attending the February meeting in spite of the unfortunate serendipity that landed us right smack dab on Valentine’s day! The lower attendance number suggests that domestic harmony was preserved and this was in fact not the source of any foretold  cataclysm suggested by ancient Mayan prophecy.

Tonight’s meeting  was productive and consisted  of several  informal discussion threads.  Peter decided to totally shelve his discussion of the Pi Cobbler interface until the March meeting! Sam will be continuing  his discussion of the Enlightenment desktop in March as well.


All in all it was a good meeting with lots of good conversation! Next month we will resume our normal activities and certainly hope you can all make it!


 Posted by at 9:45 am