The December RRLug meeting will be held starting at 6:00pm on Thursday, December 8th. Directions: When you arrive at Rasmussen College take the elevator to the third floor then turn right and walk straight into the meeting room (Boardroom). This months agenda is as follows:
- General System Administration Topics – Sam Williams will discuss simple ways to tune your Linux machines at no extra cost. These include using tmpfs and Powertop. Additionally, he will be discussing how you can use busybox (live scripting session), watch, and byobu as major tools in your arsenal.
- Favorite Linux Commands Pt2 – Imagine being trapped in an isolated area with your a Linux computer. Tonight we are all going to discuss the Linux commands that we find useful every day and that we really can’t live without.
- Configuring Sudo Pt2 – Since Evi Nemeth created sudo in the mid-90s we have used it without giving it a thought. Sam Williams is going to finish his discussion on how you can limit or control its behavior while allowing it to be used safely.
- Linux News – Bring a Linux news event from the last month and we can discuss it during tonight’s meeting.
Hope to see you all there, particularly since we are going to have some really interesting presentations tonight!