December RRLug Meeting Agenda: 12/10/2020

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Dec 072020

Our meeting will start at our usual 6:00 pm on Thursday, December 10th and last till 10pm. Contact and agenda information is listed below:

December RRLug Virtual Meeting Link

  • Dotfile Management – Sam Williams is going to discuss a couple of methods for managing your dotfile in a way that you can easily recover your desktop configuration from a disaster or to quickly configure a new environment.
  • Creating a Multi-Distro Bootable USB drive – Any good Linux engineer has in their toolkit a bootable USB drive with their favorite Linux distribution. Now that distributions have exceeded the size of a CD and will only fit on a thumb-drive why waste space. We will be looking at a couple of ways of building a thumb-drive with multiple Linux distributions.
  • RRLug Upcoming Listserv Update – Sam is going to discuss a change to the current email list that we have been using the last 2 decades and what that will mean for us going forward.
  • Linux Round-Table Discussion – We will discuss any Linux related news items that strike a responsive cord with the membership. We will also discuss any technical problems or issues people may be dealing with.

 Posted by at 11:41 pm

November RRLug Meeting Agenda: 11/12/2020

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Nov 112020

Our meeting will start at our usual 6:00 pm on Thursday, November 12th and last till 10pm. Contact and agenda information is listed below:

November RRLug Virtual Meeting Link

  • Using Glances – Sam Williams is going to discuss a new Python based performance tool called Glances. It bears some similarity to programs like htop, has some unique attributes that he will demonstrate.
  • Introduction to Grafana – One of the key components to Observability is data visualization. One of the more interesting tools available today is an application called Grafana. Grafana provides the opportunity to visual almost any type of data. Tonight we are going to look at some data that has been captured during the last 24 hours and we will build a rudimentary dashboard to display it.
  • RRLug Upcoming Listserv Changes – Sam is going to discuss a change to the current email list that we have been using the last 2 decades and what that will mean for us going forward.
  • Linux Round-Table Discussion – We will discuss any Linux related news items that strike a responsive cord with the membership. We will also discuss any technical problems or issues people may be dealing with.

Look forward to seeing you all at the November meeting! Stay safe!

 Posted by at 3:18 pm