October RRLug Virtual Meeting Agenda: 10/08/2020

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Oct 072020

Our meeting will start at our usual 6:00 pm on Thursday, October 8th. We should have plenty of time for discussion since the schedule has been expanded from 6 – 10pm. Contact and agenda information is listed below:

RRLug October Virtual Meeting

  • Miscellaneous Linux Tools – Sam Williams is going to discuss several of the Linux tools that he uses frequently as part of his normal work flow.
  • Linux Tips and Tricks – We want to discuss member tip and tricks that you should consider when using Linux. So when you come to the meeting be prepared to discuss.
  • Linux Round-Table Discussion – We will discuss any Linux related news items that strike a responsive cord with the membership. We will also discuss any technical problems or issues people may be dealing with.

Look forward to seeing you all at the October meeting! Stay safe!

 Posted by at 5:45 pm

September RRLug Virtual Meeting Agenda: 09/10/2020

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Sep 092020

Our meeting will start at our usual 6:00 pm on Thursday, September 10th. We should have plenty of time for discussion since the schedule has been expanded from 6 – 10pm. Contact and agenda information is listed below:

September Virtual Meeting Link

  • Miscellaneous Linux Ideas – Sam Williams is going to discuss several new utilities with a few twists on some old ones. Will also discuss some recent changes in terms of website changes.
  • Linux Tips and Tricks – We want to discuss member tip and tricks that you should consider when using Linux. So when you come to the meeting be prepared to discuss.
  • Linux Round-Table Discussion – We will discuss any Linux related news items that strike a responsive cord with the membership. We will also discuss any technical problems or issues people may be dealing with.

Look forward to seeing you all at the August meeting! Stay safe!

 Posted by at 5:25 pm