July RRLug Virtual Meeting Agenda: 07/09/2020

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Jul 082020

Our July meeting will start at our usual 6:00 pm on Thursday, July 9th. We should have plenty of time since I’ve scheduled the meeting from 6-10pm. Contact and agenda information is listed below:

July RRLug Virtual Meeting Link

  • Linux Round-Table Discussion – We will discuss any Linux related news items that strike a responsive cord with the membership. We will also discuss any technical problems or issues people may be dealing with.
  • Linux Tips and Tricks – We will be discussing tip and tricks that you should consider when using Linux.
  • Connecting to I2C, SPI, and GPIO devices with USB Adapters – Derald Woods is going to look at a few USB adapters that are readily available from online sources. These devices can be used from your Linux system to interact with IC peripherals over a USB connection. They help in prototyping new functionality that may not be provided your current platform. And they can be fun to tinker around with.

Target USB Devices for Presentation:




Look forward to seeing you all online tomorrow night.

 Posted by at 5:26 pm

June RRLug Virtual Meeting Agenda: 06/11/2020

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Jun 102020

The June meeting is also virtual, but I’m going to take advantage of the free Google Meet since they have offered the service through September 2020.

Our June meeting will start at our usual 6:00 pm on Thursday, June 11th. Contact information is listed below:

June RRLug Virtual Meeting Link

The presentation scheduled for this month’s meeting is as follows:

  • Successfully Attacking a NetworkJoe Granneman is going to give a presentation that he had previously given at TechX18. It should be really fun as it is Star Wars themed and takes you through a successful attack against a demo network that just happens to be the Galactic Empire. He will be running from a Kali Linux host and using the Metasploit and Cobalt Strike tools. The targets are all Windows machines although there is a Tomcat attack in there as well.
  • Linux Round-Table Discussion – We will discuss any Linux related news items that strike a responsive cord with the membership. We will also discuss any technical problems or issues people may be dealing with.
  • Linux Tips and Tricks – We will be discussing tip and tricks that you should consider when using Linux.

Hope to see everyone online tomorrow night! Should be another good meeting!

 Posted by at 10:43 pm