May RRLug Virtual Meeting Agenda: 05/14/2020

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May 132020

The April Virtual RRLug meeting was sponsored through the generosity of Joe Granneman and The May meeting is also virtual, but I’m going to take advantage of the free Google Meet since they have offered the service through September 2020.

Our May meeting will start at our usual 6:00 pm on Thursday, May 14th. Contact information is listed below:

May RRLug Virtual May Meeting Contact Link

We don’t have a presentation scheduled for this month;s meeting. The agenda is as follows:

  • Linux Round-Table Discussion – We will discuss any Linux related news items that strike a responsive cord with the membership. We will also discuss any technical problems or issues people may be dealing with.

Hope to see you all online!

 Posted by at 8:38 pm

April RRLug Virtual Meeting Agenda: 04/09/2020

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Apr 092020

The April RRLug meeting will be a virtual one sponsored through the generosity of Joe Granneman and The meeting will start at our usual 6:00 pm on Thursday, April 9th. Contact information is listed below:

Title:RRLug Meetings
Location:Rasmussen College – Rockford Campus, 6000 E State St, Rockford, IL 61108, USA
When:Occurs the second Thursday of every month effective 4/9/20 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
Organizer:Joseph Granneman <>
+1 406-948-2127 PIN: 994368714# View more phone numbers:
View your event at
Meeting Contact Information

This meeting is initially more of a proof of concept, but if time permits we can discuss the following:

  • Netdata – Sam Williams is going to demonstrate a new web-based system performance and monitoring tool called Netdata. The tool provides a rich sets of metrics backed by a beautiful set of graphs to demonstrate your systems health.
  • Linux News/Discussion – We will discuss any Linux related news items that strike a responsive cord with the membership

Hope you are all well and you try to make it. All the best!


 Posted by at 12:49 pm