November RRLug Agenda: 11/14/2019

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Nov 132019

The November RRLug meeting will be held starting at 6:00pm on Thursday, November 14th. Directions: When you arrive at Rasmussen College take the elevator to the third floor then turn right and walk straight into the meeting room (Boardroom). This months agenda is as follows

  • Followup: Training and Career Level-up – We will have a little more discussion if desired on the subject and see if there were any questions that have arisen since the October Meeting.
  • Introduction to Osquery – Sam Williams will discuss a relatively new application framework that was recently released into the wild by Facebook. The framework has enormous application for all types of monitoring. This will be the first of many presentations on the subject.
  • Linux News/Discussion – We will discuss any Linux related news items that strike a responsive cord with the membership

Hope to see you all there!

 Posted by at 11:38 pm

October RRLug Agenda: 10/10/2019

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Oct 092019

The October RRLug meeting will be held starting at 6:00pm on Thursday, October 10th. Directions: When you arrive at Rasmussen College take the elevator to the third floor then turn right and walk straight into the meeting room (Boardroom). This months agenda is as follows

  • Training and Career Level-up – Ira Morris brought up a series of questions recently regarding ways to learn the necessary information to move into a DevOps position. Thinking about this a little more and I realized that its time to resume discussing the various strategies for leveling-up your career. Topics to include: side-projects, certification prep, etc….
  • Introduction to Osquery – Sam Williams will discuss a relatively new application framework that was recently released into the wild by Facebook. The framework has enormous application for all types of monitoring. This will be the first of many presentations on the subject.
  • Linux News/Discussion – We will discuss any Linux related news items that strike a responsive cord with the membership

Hope to see you all there!

 Posted by at 4:11 pm