February RRLug Meeting Agenda: 02/14/2019

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Feb 132019
The February RRLug Meeting is being canceled!

Due to last minute scheduling changes at work I will not be available to host the RRLug meeting tomorrow night. I put out a call for presentations a couple of days ago and no one was available so I’m going to call the meeting now.

Sorry for the last minute notice. Hope everything will return to normal for the March meeting on 03/14//19. Hope to see you all then!

 Posted by at 8:26 pm

December RRLug Meeting Agenda: 12/13/2018

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Dec 122018

The December RRLug meeting will be held starting at 6:00pm on Thursday, December 13th. Directions: Normally we meet in the Boardroom, but this month they double-booked the room so we are going to go to the 4th floor to room 401.  This months agenda is as follows:

  • Python Development – Peter Hedlund is going to discuss a new program he developed called “filter” and his development workflow.
  • Round-Robin General QA – Unfortunately this month we lost our presenter at the last moment so we will have a general Q/A session for the membership. Feel free to bring your questions or answers.
  • Linux News/Discussion – We will discuss any Linux related news items that strike a responsive cord with the membership.
  • Giveaway– Don Merchant is going to bring along some goodies to give away as from his recent shop cleaning.

Hope to see you all there!

 Posted by at 8:40 pm