April RRLug Meeting Agenda: 04/12/2018

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Apr 102018

The April  RRLug meeting  is a special meeting and will be held starting at 6:00pm on Thursday, April 12th. This  meeting is special because  its our 20th anniversary. Directions: When you arrive at Rasmussen College take the elevator to the third floor then turn right and walk straight into the meeting room (Boardroom). This months agenda is as follows:

  • Tonight there is no formal presentation planned, just a nostalgic look back at our first 20 years. So come on out and lets discuss where we’ve been and where we’re going in the near future and beyond!

Hope to see you all there!

 Posted by at 11:09 pm

March RRLug Meeting Agenda: 03/08/2018

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Mar 062018

The March RRLug meeting will be held starting at 6:00pm on Thursday, March 8th. Directions: When you arrive at Rasmussen College take the elevator to the third floor then turn right and walk straight into the meeting room (Boardroom). This months agenda is as follows:

  • Introduction to Bash Programming – Steven Lembark is going to introduce the attendees to stepping up their work at the command line through the use of Bash shell scripts. The presentation will cover such areas as bash variables, and variable expansion $x, ${x…}, using arrays, parsing pipeline data, general programming principles, as well as Here-Documents all in the pursuit of automating your work and helping develop repeatability.
  • Linux News/Discussion – We will discuss any Linux related news items that strike a responsive cord with the membership.
  • Hardware Give-away/Raffle – There will be some extra hardware that will be given away at the March meeting

Hope to see you all there!

 Posted by at 11:05 pm