February RRLug Meeting Agenda: 02/09/17

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Feb 082017

The February RRLug meeting will be held starting at 6:00pm on Thursday, February 9th. Directions: When you arrive at Rasmussen College take the elevator to the third floor then turn right and walk straight into the meeting room (Boardroom). This months agenda is as follows:

During the February meeting we are going to have a special showing of the movie Revolution OS! The movie was released in 2001 and chronicles the rise of the Linux and Open Source movements! We normally show this great documentary once every 5 years… Please come out and learn a piece of Linux history. The movie has some good cameos from some of the early notable characters in the Linux movement!

Its an incredible documentary, hope you can all make it!

 Posted by at 7:55 pm

January RRLug Meeting Agenda: 1/12/17

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Jan 102017

Happy New Year from the Rock River Linux Users Group!!

The January RRLug meeting will be held starting at 6:00pm on Thursday, January 12th. Directions: When you arrive at Rasmussen College take the elevator to the third floor then turn right and walk straight into the meeting room (Boardroom). This months agenda is as follows:

During the January meeting we are going to have a special showing of the movie Revolution OS! The movie was released in 2001 and chronicles the rise of the Linux and Open Source movements! We normally show this great documentary once every 5 years… Please come out and learn a piece of Linux history. The movie has some good cameos from some of the early notable characters in the Linux movement!

Really look forward to seeing everyone that can make it come back for the first meeting of 2017!


 Posted by at 11:50 am