November RRLug Meeting Agenda: 11/13/14

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Nov 122014

Just a reminder to everyone that we will have our November  LUG meeting  at 6:30pm on Thursday, November 13th. Directions: When you arrive at Rasmussen College take the elevator to the third floor then turn right and walk straight into the meeting room (Boardroom).

Due to  a few presentation options being canceled at the last minute the November meeting will be devoted to discussing Linux in the News and helping people with their computer issues. It will be a little lighter then normal, but will still be fun.  If you come and you want to try an impromptu presentation please bring it along too!  Hope to see you all tomorrow!

 Posted by at 10:53 pm

October RRLug Meeting Agenda: 10/09/14

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Oct 082014

Just a reminder to everyone that we will have our October  LUG meeting  at 6:30pm on Thursday, October 9th. Directions: When you arrive at Rasmussen College take the elevator to the third floor then turn right and walk straight into the meeting room (Boardroom).

  • SpeedTest – discuss a convenient tool for determining your current Internet connection speed.
  • Firefox Configuration Management Pt2 – Finish discussing the newest changes in Firefox that help safeguard your configuration and settings.
  • Linux News – Discuss the general Linux news items from the past month.
  • Raspberry Pi B+ – Peter HedLund is going to bring his new Raspberry Pi B+. If  he gets a chance to work on it, he will  also have a touchscreen display that will mount on the PI.
  •  Wubi installation – Peter Hedlund will also  discuss the issues he had with his recent Wubi upgrade of Ubuntu.
  • Linux Troubleshooting – Gary Melvin is going to bring a computer to the meeting to use in a discussion of troubleshooting techniques. The computer belongs to a friend and is dying after about an hour of disuse.

Hope to see you all there!

 Posted by at 11:53 pm